School Budget Votes Mark Another Milestone on the Road to an All-Electric School Bus Fleet

Joint statement from NYLCV, Mothers Out Front, World Resources Institute (WRI), and the Alliance for Clean Energy New York

New Yorkers across the state – from the North Country to the Hudson Valley – went to the polls on May 21 to say yes to clean electric school buses (ESBs) and no to the status quo of dirty diesel rides for their children, further boosting the momentum behind the state’s ESB transition. The overwhelming majority of school districts with ESBs on the ballot yesterday approved new purchases; over $100 million has poured in from the EPA’s Clean School Bus Program so far; and half a billion dollars from the state’s voter-approved Environmental Bond Act is slated for ESBs – the first $100 million being awarded in the coming weeks. Add to that the over 500 ESBs expected on New York State roads by next year, and that nearly half of all districts are actively planning the electrification of their school bus fleets, the message to state and local officials is clear: when it comes to children’s health, it’s time to get on the bus. 

Electric school buses are already successfully operating in all types of weather and terrain and in urban, suburban, and rural communities – all while saving money on fuel and maintenance costs. With record levels of state and federal funding available to purchase electric school buses, districts can expect to see tens and even hundreds of thousands of dollars in savings over the lifetime of their bus. The state has dedicated $500 million to transitioning to electric school buses through their New York School Bus Incentive Program (NYSBIP), importantly with funding dedicated to underserved communities. By combining these funds with federal programs such as EPA’s Clean School Bus Program (CSBP) and federal tax credits for vehicles and charging infrastructure [such as 45W and 30C], New York will be able to smoothly transition their school bus fleet to electric without putting a financial burden on school districts.

About the New York League of Conservation Voters
The New York League of Conservation Voters is the only non-partisan, statewide environmental organization in New York that takes a pragmatic approach to fight for clean water, healthy air, renewable energy, and open space. For over thirty years, NYLCV has worked to lobby state and local governments on environmental policy, provide objective information to the public, and hold elected officials accountable. For more information, visit

About Mothers Out Front 
Mothers Out Front is a member-led climate justice organization. We are mothers, sisters, aunts, grandmothers and other caregivers coming together to make climate justice a priority issue that our decision-makers can no longer ignore. We are building a powerful grassroots movement to ensure a swift, complete and just transition away from fossil fuels and toward a clean and renewable energy future where our children and families can thrive, not just survive.About World Resources Institute (WRI)
WRI is a global research organization that works with governments, businesses, multilateral institutions and civil society groups to develop practical solutions that improve people’s lives and protect nature.

About the Alliance for Clean Energy New York
The Alliance for Clean Energy New York (ACE NY) is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting clean energy, energy efficiency, a healthy environment, and a strong economy for the Empire State and is New York’s premier advocate for the rapid adoption of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies.