The bustling streets of the Big Apple will soon be safer and greener. Last week, the City Council passed Speaker Corey Johnson’s bill requiring the NYC Department of Transportation to develop a citywide master plan for streets every five years - one of NYLCV’s policy priorities.
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Our Capital Region Cocktail Party brings together elected officials, policymakers, businesses, community groups, and grassroots community members.
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Groundwater on Long Island will soon be healthier. A new Soil Wash Plant facility recently opened on Long Island that will help to protect groundwater and facilitate more brownfield site remediation.
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Earlier this month, advocates, the NYC Department of Sanitation, and the City Council came to an agreement on a commercial waste zone plan that would lead to cleaner air, less pollution, safer streets, and move closer to the city’s zero waste and emission reduction goals.
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Last week, our president Julie Tighe testified at a joint hearing of the Senate and Assembly Environmental Conservation Committees on recycling. To meet the goals of the Climate Leadership & Community Protection Act, we must reduce the waste we generate and take steps to solve our growing recycling crisis.
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Last month, the Trump Administration announced the repeal of the 2015 Clean Water Rule (also known as “Waters of the United States”) under the Clean Water Act. These new changes will weaken the protection of the nation's waters by allowing the federal government to reduce the number of waterways it protects.
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Earlier this month, we joined a group of 20 organizations in sending a letter to Governor Andrew Cuomo calling on him to sign into law a bill that authorizes local governments to allow electric bikes and scooters on their streets.
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This summer, the Trump Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency proposed a plan to roll back a litany of rules regulating methane emissions. The plans are a serious threat to efforts to combat climate change and can endanger public health.
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