The food crisis is on the rise. We believe that healthy, fresh food – from local farms – is at the base of a healthy lifestyle. We are continuing to advocate for farm-fresh foods to be provided, especially in “food deserts”, and the promotion of buying local for schools, agencies, and other related groups. We are continuing our push towards allowing for a more efficient way to transport farm-fresh food to these areas.

Our continued efforts in preserving productive farmland helps to promote the message of farm-fresh, local food being the healthiest choice to provide for the community. From here we are working towards the facilitation of effective transportation options to expedite the delivery of the farm fresh food. In addition, we are going to use the FreshConnect program to encourage an increase in the amount of fresh and local food available – especially in our “food desert” communities.

We are in full support of initiatives that help to increase the capacity of the remaining farmland throughout the state. We are using the push to encourage sustainable agriculture practices. By staying local, we are able to reduce the chemical load of pesticides and preservatives that will go into the environment, as the transportation of the food will all occur in the natural shelf life of the goods.