What is NYLCV Victory Fund?
NYLCV Victory Fund is a registered independent expenditure political committee (NYSBOE # 3003).
NYLCV Victory Fund is committed to electing local and state candidates that have the willingness and capacity to advance a pragmatic environmental agenda.
NYLCV Victory Fund is also committed to defeating candidates that stood in the way of passing or have attempted/succeeded in watering down or repealing common-sense environmental policies.
NYLCV Victory Fund and its activities are not done in coordination, cooperation, consultation, or in concert with or at the request or suggestion of a candidate, candidate’s authorized committee, or political party.
Who can give to NYLCV Victory Fund?
- An individual
- A limited liability company (LLC/PLLC)
- Other PACs (political action committees)
- An unincorporated union or trade organization
- A corporation
- Any other entity such as a league or association
What are the contribution limits?
New York State Election Law does not place limits on contributions to independent expenditure political committees.
How can I give to NYLCV Victory Fund?
NYLCV Victory Fund accepts online donations, checks, and wire transfers.
For more information, please contact politics@nylcv.org