Jared Snyder
Jared served for fifteen years as deputy commissioner for Climate, Air and Energy at the New York Department of Environmental Conservation, from 2007 to the end of 2022. In that role, Jared participated in, and in many cases led, New York’s policy development in the areas of climate change and air quality. He retired from DEC at the end of 2022 after coordinating, with other senior state agency representatives, New York’s development of the Scoping Plan to implement the requirements of the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. Jared’s other accomplishments at DEC include New York’s entry into, and successful implementation and strengthening of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), New York’s adoption of the most stringent vehicle emission standards allowed under federal law, and overseeing the development of New York’s nation-leading regulations to clean up power plant emissions.
In his time at DEC, Jared worked with the Governor’s office and other states and interest groups to inform the development of federal air quality and climate regulations, including testifying to the Senate Environment and Public Works committee. He served as chair of the International Carbon Action Partnership, a coalition of jurisdictions across the world implementing or developing mandatory carbon pricing programs; he represented New York on the RGGI inc. executive committee; and he was the Governor’s representative on the Ozone Transportation Commission throughout his tenure at DEC. Before joining DEC, Jared headed up the affirmative litigation section at the New York Attorney General’s Environmental Protection Bureau, where he managed multistate clean air enforcement cases against several coal-fired power plants in New York and the Midwest and led New York’s successful litigation challenging EPA’s clean air rollbacks under the second Bush Administration. From 1990-1995, Jared enforced federal environmental laws at the US Department of Justice.
Jared now splits his time between his home in Saratoga Springs and the hamlet of North River in the Adirondack Park, where he enjoys biking, cross-country skiing, kayaking and hiking, including summiting all 46 Adirondack high peaks. He is a graduate of Cornell University and Harvard Law School.