Statement from NYLCV President Julie Tighe on the EPA

As climate change fuels record-breaking heat, wildfires, storms, and floods, President Trump and EPA Administrator Zeldin plan to gut the Environmental Protection Agency and slash greenhouse gas regulations. These wrongheaded actions will ruin our economy, destroy our communities, and make Americans sicker.

Voters living in red, blue and purple states all need clean air and clean water. We’ve seen what happens when we don’t have cops on the beat to patrol our environmental laws—that’s why President Nixon created the EPA and why Congress passed the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts.

Americans deserve a workforce to protect the environment, regulations to ensure fair competition, and enforcement to hold bad actors accountable. Having a clean environment is what makes America great and Americans healthy. Environmental patriots from both sides of the aisle need to stand up and speak out now before we return to the days of orange skies and waterways treated like dumping grounds.