For Immediate Release: Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Contact: Jordan Levine –, 917-392-8965
ALBANY, NEW YORK — Governor Cuomo has signed S.4158 / A.4883 to void of New York City’s carryout bag fee and place a moratorium on passing similar legislation until January 2018. In response, NYLCV President Marcia Bystryn issued the following statement:
“We are deeply saddened that Governor Cuomo has signed the bill to nullify New York City’s fee on carryout bags. Though we appreciate his obvious concern for the issue, there is now a law on the books that overturns the principle of home rule and leaves us with no near-term solution to the very real problem of plastic bag waste. We thank the thirty-two members of the legislature who had the courage to stand up for what they believe is right and speak out in opposition.
“Speaker Mark-Viverito and the New York City Council should be commended for their years-long effort to find a workable solution for a complicated challenge. Though their law will not go into effect tomorrow, they should take pride in the fact that their efforts spurred a dialogue that has now spread statewide. We sincerely hope the City Council’s bold actions to reduce New York City’s waste stream do not end in vain.
“Let us be clear: a task force that does not lead to a robust statewide law is not an acceptable consolation prize. We take Governor Cuomo at his word that he will work with the Senate and Assembly and act expeditiously. The League looks forward to participating in the process and holding our state government accountable for enacting the best possible policy solution.”
The New York League of Conservation Voters (NYLCV) is the only non-partisan, statewide environmental organization in New York that takes a pragmatic approach to fighting for clean water, healthy air, renewable energy, and open space. Follow NYLCV on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.