NYLCV/EF Announces Its Capital Region Priorities

New York League of Conservation Voters
New York League of Conservation Voters Education Fund
(212) 361-6350, Ext. 206

For Immediate Release: January 4, 2021
Contact: Shachar Sharon, ssharon@nylcv.org

NYLCV/EF Announces Its Capital Region Priorities
Major Focus Includes Reducing Emissions from the Transportation Sector

Albany, NY – The New York League of Conservation Voters (NYLCV) and NYLCV Education Fund (NYLCVEF) today released their 2021-2022 policy agenda for the Capital Region.

As announced in their 2021-2022 Long Island Policy Agenda, NYLCV/EF will focus their advocacy and programming on combating climate change and protecting people and natural resources. They will push for and educate the public about initiatives related to clean energy, clean transportation, resiliency, solid waste, clean air, land, and water, sustainable development, parks and open space, and farms and local food. 

The full agenda is available here

NYLCV/EF president Julie Tighe said, “This past year brought heightened awareness of the need to take action to help avert the worst effects of climate change and reduce pollution, especially in disadvantaged communities. The State laid out aggressive climate standards and local governments are key to achieving these standards. We also need more local policies that improve water infrastructure and keep our drinking water free of contaminants. This agenda can help guide localities in the Capital Region about how to implement these important policies and initiatives. We look forward to working with county and town officials to champion these priorities.” 

Though NYLCV/EF will support dozens of specific policies, the issues below were identified as top priorities:

Regional Transit: The transportation sector needs a major upgrade by improving public transportation, increasing accessibility of ride-sharing services, and incorporation of self-driving vehicles and electric buses. NYLCV will advocate for better public transportation and better pedestrian accessibility. 

Renewable Energy: NYLCV will work with municipal and county governments to create guidelines for renewable energy to help expedite future large-scale and distributed renewable energy projects in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 

Clean and Safe Water: To ensure clean and safe water, NYLCV will work with counties and local governments to make sure they comply with testing requirements and limits for contaminants in drinking water and invest in wastewater, drinking water, and sewage overflow infrastructure. We will also make sure the region obtains their fair share of funding for these projects.

The agenda was created with input from the New York League of Conservation Voters Capital Region Chapter, which works to identify and advocate for solutions to the region’s most pressing environmental issues. 

The New York League of Conservation Voters is the only non-partisan, statewide environmental organization in New York that takes a pragmatic approach to fighting for clean water, healthy air, renewable energy, and open space. For more information, visit www.nylcv.org. The New York League of Conservation Voters Education Fund engages and educates New Yorkers on environmental issues and the environmental decision-making processes at the local, regional, state and federal levels. NYLCVEF fosters open, nonpartisan discussion on environmental policy and empowers New Yorkers to be effective advocates on behalf of the environment. Visit www.nylcvef.org for more information.
