The New York City Council's legislative session ended in a flurry of activity, with Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito moving a number of environmental bills in the last stated meeting of her speakership.
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Earlier this week, energy stakeholders, representatives from large energy consumers, environmental groups, and state policymakers met at the Empire State
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Energy storage systems will play a key role in role in reaching New York’s 50% by 2030 renewable energy generation goal. Using energy storage systems, such as large-scale batteries can help drive down electricity costs, integrate renewable energy, and provide a stable supply during peak electric usage or operate critical systems during a grid outage. Scaling them up, however, is proving to be a challenge.
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The State Assembly recently examined progress on the spend-down of the $2.5 billion allocated to clean water in this year's
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NYLCV is working to unite stakeholders in all parts of the food cycle behind a common agenda that tackles the nexus of farms, food and sustainability.
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The Regional Plan Association (RPA) published their Fourth Regional Plan on November 30th, 21 years after the previous one was
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On Tuesday, New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer released a report focused on how to improve the NYC bus
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There are many provisions in hundreds of pages in the House and Senate tax reform bills and the debate over the corporate tax rate, state and local tax deduction, and the individual mandate on healthcare has been sucking up much of the oxygen in the room. The legislation also includes a number of other measures that are flying under the radar and would have a negative impact on the environment.
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