According to health officials, there is no level of lead in the body that is known to be without harmful effects. That is why NYLCV is urging everyone - homeowners, health care providers, businesses, politicians, educators, etc. - to participate in the federal government’s upcoming National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week (NLPPW), which will be held Oct. 23-29, with wide dissemination of information and a series of topic-focused releases and webinars to spread awareness and lead to community and legislative action.
Learn MoreThe New York League of Conservation Voters (NYLCV), as a part of the Preserve Plum Island Coalition (PPIC), urges President Biden to proclaim Plum Island a National Monument, which would give this haven of biodiversity and history permanent federal protection. Plum Island is an 843-acre federally-owned island located near the tip of Long Island’s North Fork. The island is a site of historical and ecological importance.
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With the devastation in Puerto Rico and Florida fresh in our minds, it’s clear America sits at a crossroads as it tries to fight the impacts of climate change. The New York League of Conservation Voters thinks it’s worth taking a closer look at a positive recent example of how New York State and the federal government are striving for a greener, safer and healthier planet.
Learn MoreIt's election season and we know that electing candidates with strong environmental credentials is key to fighting climate change and building an environmentally just future.
Pushing for smart environmental policy is important in every level of government. While this year is not a Presidential election, New Yorkers will have the opportunity to cast one of the most consequential votes in their lifetime. If we want our voices to be heard, there are no off years!
Learn MoreThe $4.2 billion Environmental Bond Act, also known as the Clean Water, Clean Air and Green Jobs Bond Act, would allocate at least $200 million for wastewater infrastructure projects and at least $250 million for municipal stormwater projects in New York. The Bond Act will appear on the ballot November 8, with early voting starting October 29.
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The New York League of Conservation Voters (NYLCV) is the only statewide environmental organization in New York that fights for
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The $4.2 billion Environmental Bond Act, also known as the Clean Water, Clean Air, and Green Jobs Bond Act, will provide $650 million for open space land conservation and recreation projects if approved by voters this fall. The Bond Act will spend conservation funds to preserve farmland, reduce runoff, and protect lakes, rivers, and other wildlife habitats.
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RSVP Today for our 2022 Long Island Cocktail Party: Our Long Island cocktail party is one of NYLCV’s premier events. Over one hundred elected officials and administrators from all levels of government, key players in the environmental community, business leaders and other supporters of our organization attend the event.
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