Governor Andrew Cuomo’s recently proposed Green New Deal would mandate that New York be powered 100% by carbon-free electricity by 2040. To meet this goal, the state will increase its targets for offshore wind power to 9,000 megawatts (MW) by 2035, which quadruples the previous goal of 2,400 by 2030; increase the distributed solar energy target to 6,000 MW by 2025, up from 3,000 by 2023; and deploy 3,000 MW of energy storage by 2030.
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Last month, Governor Cuomo and the Department of Public Service (DPS) moved to implement landmark new energy efficiency and energy storage targets that will help decrease greenhouse gas emissions.
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Nearly 250 cities, towns and villages in New York are changing the way they operate to fight climate change. These municipalities are part of the state’s nine-year-old Climate Smart Communities (CSC) program, which capitalizes on the fact local governments have direct control or major influence on most of the state’s greenhouse gas emissions.
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There are new faces in the State Capitol this legislative session. During last November’s election, voters turned out in high numbers to set a new direction for environmental protection in the State Senate. Read on to learn more about new State Senators.
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Late last month, the Trump Administration approved a plan to allow oil companies to conduct seismic testing along the Eastern Atlantic, seen as the first step toward the administration leasing federal waters for oil drilling. Oil and gas exploration not only severely disrupts marine wildlife, but it would also worsen the fight against climate change.
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After advocacy by NYLCV and other environmental groups, the Clean Water Infrastructure Act passed last year and brought a $2.5 billion investment to improve drinking water infrastructure and water quality protection across the State. Last month, Governor Cuomo announced specific investments funded by the CWIA for different regions.
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During this holiday season of giving, show your support to causes that you care about by donating to the New York League of Conservation Voters community.
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