The future of New York City’s solid-waste management system has come into question as a $3.3 billion waste deal just fell through. The contract between the Department of Sanitation (DSNY) and Progressive Waste Solutions subsidiary IESO would have shipped 27 million tons of waste by rail to a landfill in the Finger Lakes region over the next thirty years.
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On Monday, May 16th, the House unanimously passed “Save, Don’t Sell Plum Island”, Bill H.R. 1887 after it breezed through
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Hurricane Sandy hasn’t been front page news since 2012, but for many New York City residents, its devastating damage still affects their daily lives. The New York City Housing Authority released a report detailing its $3 billion effort both to recover from the storm
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This week our Director of Government Relations, Christopher Goeken, represented the NYLCV in partnership with schools and elected officials to advocate for the testing of water in New York State schools.
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Right off the cuffs of Hoosick Falls water quality being ok'd by the EPA, they are being urged to test the city of Newburgh's water supply, where toxic chemical contamination has been found.
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On Thursday, May 5th, the New York City Council voted in favor of Int. 0209-2014! This is a monumental step towards building a more progressive city, and this legislation will serve to make for a cleaner and healthier New York City and environment!
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This week, NYLCV joined Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone to discuss one of the best proposed solutions to help mitigate Long Island’s growing nitrogen pollution problem.
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On Thursday, April 28th, the New York League of Conservation Voters, Education Fund and WE-ACT for Environmental Justice co-hosted a candidate forum at the Manhattan Pentecostal Church on Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd with the New York Congressional District 13 Candidates.
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