Each year, our Spring Gala brings together an exciting group of business leaders, elected officials and environmental partners to celebrate and support the work we accomplish together all year. We are excited to recognize Executive Director of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Rick Cotton as our NYLCV honoree, Regional Plan Association President Tom Wright as our NYLCV Education Fund Honoree, and Marjorie Hart as our Environmental Champion.
Reserve your table or purchase your journal ad today!
Monday, May 13th
6:00 – 10:00 p.m.
Pier Sixty at Chelsea Piers
New York City
If you’re interested in sponsoring the Gala, please email Marla Klinger at mklinger@nylcv.org.
By purchasing a table today, you can support our work promoting nonpartisan discussion on environmental policy and empowering New Yorkers to be effective advocates for the environment.
If you are purchasing an ad, it should be delivered no later than Friday, April 26th to Clare Liu at cliu@nylcv.org. Ads should be submitted as print ready PDF, JPG, TIF, or EPS with a resolution of 300 DPI or higher. Full page ads will be 5.5″ x 8.5″, and half page ads will be 4.75″ x 3.75″. Premium full page ads will get premium placement in the journal, and projection of the ad during the evening’s program. For more information on ad specs, please click here.