NYLCV released the following statement regarding Governor Cuomo’s signing of the Climate & Community Protection Act and executing the nation’s largest offshore wind power agreement.
Julie Tighe, President of the New York League of Conservation Voters, said, “We applaud Governor Cuomo for signing the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, which will boldly lead the nation with goals of 70% renewable energy by 2030, carbon-free electricity by 2040, and economy-wide carbon-neutrality by 2050. Today’s announcement of 1,700 Mw of offshore wind projects, the largest in the nation, is a major step towards reaching these goals and increasing the pace of siting wind energy projects. Investments of more than $300 million for offshore port facilities and training to support green jobs will also provide much-needed support for these projects. We look forward to working with stakeholders to ensure these project and others like it moves forward as quickly as practicable.”