NYLCV Statement on the Federal Government’s “Finding of No Significant Impact” for Congestion Pricing

We cannot drive our way out of the climate crisis, which is why congestion pricing has been a long time NYLCV priority. After years of delays, we are thrilled with the federal government’s release of the Finding of No Significant Impact, paving the way for implementation of this climate-friendly policy that will cut traffic, reduce air and climate pollution, and provide a dedicated funding stream for mass transit. Congestion pricing will not only benefit New York City residents, but also commuters throughout the region. We commend Governor Hochul, the MTA, and Mayor Adams for their bold environmental leadership and for never wavering on this issue. 

While we celebrate today’s important milestone, we also urge the state to come together on these final details and implement this program as soon as possible so our entire region can reap the benefits without further delay.  

06.26.23 // AUTHOR: Devin Callahan //